Each body, at temperatures above the absolute zero (-273°C or 0K),emits energy as electromagnetic radiation.
When temperature rises,the intensity of this infrared energy increases.The temperature of the body surface can therefore be determined by measuring the intensity of this energy in a small spectral band: the infrared region. The instruments used to measure this energy and to calculate the related temperature are called infrared thermometers or non-contact thermometers.
Temperature measurements of a liquid or gaseous compound have been successfully made with thermoelectric or expansion thermometers, thanks to the good thermal exchange of the sensor with the fluid. With solid bodies, a good thermal exchange is difficult to be obtained and an additional measuring error should be considered.
When the target is moving or is electrically hazardous, a contact temperature measurement can’t be made. Non-contact IR temperature measurement could be the only solution to the above application problems.
Typical application of IRtech portable thermometers is to control temperature where an increase of its value means a possible machine wearing, aging, faulting, etc.
Tc :Thermocouple K input minidin std connector -40°C to +400°C, Acc ±1%or±1°C